Trio, a renowned event management firm, has collaborated with Pipers Bar & Lounge to organize a free-entry corporate hangout on April 28th. The event which will be hosted every last Friday of every month promises to provide a platform for business professionals to network, relax, and unwind after a long day at work.
The event, which will take place at Pipers Bar & Lounge located on Apsonic warehouse junction close to ABE haprin sch. Gumani, Tamale, is expected to start at 8:00 pm and run until late into the night. Guests will have access to an extensive range of beverages, including cocktails, beers, and wines. They will also enjoy a variety of tasty dishes from the bar’s menu.
According to the organizers, the event is targeted at professionals in the corporate sector who are looking to unwind and network with like-minded individuals. The hangout will provide a relaxed atmosphere where guests can socialize, exchange ideas, and make valuable connections. There will also be a photoshoot and red carpet session which will be handled by northern media giants, Hype Media Gh.
“We are thrilled to partner with Pipers Bar & Lounge to organize this event. Our aim is to create an environment where business professionals can relax and unwind while connecting with peers from different industries,” said a spokesperson for Trio.
The organizers have promised that guests will be entertained throughout the night with music of their favorites artists across the globe with the men DJ Kwaku Tee, Dj Titi on the turntable and Yad on the Mc.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for business professionals to let their hair down and enjoy an evening of fun and networking. We are excited to welcome guests to our bar and lounge and provide them with an unforgettable experience,” said a representative from Pipers Bar & Lounge.
With the event just a day away, the excitement is building up, and business professionals are expected to turn out in large numbers.
You can call on 0240416380 or 0558553005 to reserve a table now