On the ‘All Inclusive Show’ on Zaa Radio 99.3 FM, Abdul Jalil Naa Beli, the host of the “My Northern Achiever” TV program, expressed strong criticism towards the current generation of media professionals in Northern Ghana. Speaking with Is Hassan Dablee, he did not hold back in pointing out that many media personalities are increasingly prioritizing fame over professionalism.

Abdul Jalil emphasized that instead of producing content that has the potential to positively impact society, most presenters are choosing to focus on entertainment shows that often resort to sensationalism. He lamented that the trend of using insults and controversy as tools to gain popularity has overshadowed the traditional role of media in driving societal change.

In his view, the media’s obsession with fame is undermining the ethical standards that once guided the profession. Abdul Jalil called on media practitioners to return to the basics of journalism, where content is created not just for entertainment but to inform, educate, and uplift the community. Click here Ti watch video.