On the All Inclusive Show with Is Hassan Dablee on Zaa Radio 99.3 FM, the P.R.O of Tallywood GH, Salman, boldly claimed that Northern Ghanaian actors have a larger fan base, draw more attention, and maintain a stronger audience than musicians.

According to Salman, despite the unequal media treatment that favors musicians over actors, filmmakers still manage to dominate in terms of recognition. He asserted that there are parts of the North where even popular musicians like Fancy Gadam or Maccasio could go unnoticed, especially among older generations. In contrast, Salman argued that a famous actor would be recognized wherever they go, regardless of location or demographic.

Salman further emphasized that the visual nature of filmmaking gives actors an edge over musicians, who largely produce audio content. He noted that while people may recognize songs from certain musicians, they often have no idea what the artists themselves look like. This, he believes, strengthens the argument that actors are more visible and celebrated across Northern Ghana. Watch full video below,

Actors VRS Musicians