Northern Ghana’s ever-controversial dancehall sensation, Khaya Ranking, has stirred the waters once again with a bold declaration about his upcoming track. In a fiery post that’s causing a stir across social media, the self-proclaimed Street Side Boss confidently announced that his new song will not only elevate Northern music but also take it to a global stage, in a way that no artist from the region has managed before.

His post reads, “MY NEW SONG IS COMING TO SAVE NORTHERN MUSIC… AND IT IS NOT GOING TO END YAPE OR END UP ON OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO’S AT ACCRA AND KUMASI PUSHING TOROKO AND CARRYING KAYAYO.” He further emphasized that his song will hit globally and not be restricted to local recognition, claiming that he won’t force southerners to listen to it at places like Independence Square. According to him, this is the track that will change the narrative for Northern music forever.

Many believe this is a direct shot at Northern artists based in Accra and Kumasi, who Khaya Ranking seems to accuse of pushing carts (toroko) and working as head porters (kayayos) instead of truly promoting the culture. His remarks have not only sparked conversation but also controversy, with some praising his confidence and vision, while others call it divisive and dismissive of the struggles faced by Northern artists in southern cities.

Khaya Ranking’s bold claim that his new release will “hit and recognize global” has set high expectations, but only time will tell if the Street Side Boss can back up his strong words. Is this the spark Northern music has been waiting for, or is Khaya simply fanning flames for attention? One thing is for sure: the Northern music scene is about to witness another chapter of drama.