Ahmed Mujahid Bello, Known in showbiz as Fancy Gadam, has slammed critics over recent attacks on him. In a Facebook post on Wednesday cited by Hype media’s Ebenezer Akandurugo, the “Kom” hitmaker stated that he is unfazed, untouched, unbothered and, for that matter, controls here (the Northern music industry), hence dictates what should be done.
This follows a slew of criticism and name-calling after he revealed the track list for his yet-to-be-released 1Don Ep.
Many industry players believe releasing an EP at this time is a deliberate attempt to sabotage his son, Israhim’s Lion King Album which was released a week ago, whereas many question and express disapproval of the number of songs he has on the EP, 8 songs. Take a look at the screenshot of his post below;