To achieve this, she has opted to visit Tamale’s Vitting Senior High School with renowned influential speakers, including Dr. Seidu Fiter Mohammed (a Public Health Specialist, Maternal & Child Health), Mr. Nuhu Musah (Technical Coordinator At Ghana Aids Commission), Naa Kwarley Richardson (Flawless Creations Consults) and Mr. Ibrahim Angaangmeni Alhassan (News Editor At Radio Tamale). This is set to take place tomorrow, November 13th at exactly 8:30 am at the school premises.
Queen Classy Is Set To Celebrate Her Two Years Anniversary In Radio
Queen Classy, one of the finest radio personalities in the northern part of the country, is set to celebrate her two-year anniversary of being on the air.
For two years of excellent work on the airwaves and changing and transforming lives and communities through her voice, Queen Classy sees it as insufficient as she has taken a bold step to use this two-year anniversary to educate the senior high school students on their roles and responsibilities in achieving the 90/90/90 goals for HIV within the Northern Region.
Queen Classy is currently the Executive Launch host and Love Matters host on Radio Tamale.