Shatta Bone, once known for his extravagant lifestyle and generous spending on the streets and at events, has undergone a dramatic transformation. After nearly a decade of enduring financial struggles, the self-styled “Poor People’s Governor” has embraced a new path and declared himself born again.
Appearing on the Spotlight Show with Zolah Malema on Zaa TV Ghana, Shatta Bone made a heartfelt confession that left many viewers surprised. He revealed that his prolonged battle with poverty had brought him closer to God. In a bold statement, he announced that he has bid farewell to his past lifestyle and the negative aspects of his music career. “I will never record or release any negative songs again,” he vowed, signaling a fresh start both personally and professionally.
In a surprising twist, Shatta Bone disclosed that he will no longer use his popular stage name, Shatta Bone, from now on, he wishes to be known by his Islamic name, Abdul Wahid. This decision, while unexpected, has been met with applause from fans and well-wishers who view it as a sign of growth and redemption. WATCH HIM BELOW,
Abdul Wahid’s transformation marks a new chapter in his life, inspiring many who have followed his journey from fame and fortune to adversity and now, spiritual renewal.