Mr. Hamza Issahaku, manager and PR to legendary musician, Abu Sadiq, has shared his view on the challenges hindering northern based musicians from hosting concerts in Abroad. He said,

”I’ve engaged countless times with event planners, promoters, and investors in various parts of Africa and abroad, and their primary complaint about our records is often ‘Lack of Quality & Originality’.

Northern artists need to understand that if they replicate foreign music, they must elevate it to extraordinary levels to resonate with international audiences.

Our music must be unique, high-quality, and original to attract foreign listeners. If it resembles what’s already available or lacks distinctiveness, it won’t garner their interest. Therefore, we must prioritize the quality, uniqueness, and originality of our records before considering hosting concerts abroad.

These insights were shared by Hamza Issahaku, PR and Manager of Abu Sadiq NaaniGoo, during the All-Inclusive Show on Zaa Radio 99.3 FM with host Is Hassan Dablee. Watch the video below for more details.