The ongoing tension between actors Aborimaham and Salman, which recently resulted in a near-physical altercation on the set of Hajia Jumai’s “Yasmin,” has taken a new turn. In an exclusive interview on the ‘All Inclusive Show’ on Zaa Radio with Is Hassan Dablee, Salman has shed light on the real reason behind the explosive confrontation. According to Salman, the misunderstanding began when Aborimaham insisted on consuming alcohol during a scene, a request that Salman, as the director, adamantly refused.

Salman revealed that the scene in question involved a party, and while he had requested a soft drink for the actors, the producer mistakenly provided a beverage containing 5% alcohol. Given that the filming was taking place at a religious site, Salman felt it was inappropriate for any alcohol to be consumed, even in such a small quantity. However, when he insisted that Aborimaham not use the alcoholic drink, the actor reportedly refused to comply, leading to the initial tension between the two.

Salman Speaks On The ‘All Inclusive Show’

The situation escalated further when Salman later directed Aborimaham to perform a particular role, but the actor once again refused, expressing his desire to leave the set. Salman responded by telling Aborimaham to go home if he wasn’t willing to follow directions. This exchange of words is what ultimately led to the intense argument, with both men nearly coming to blows before being separated by others on set.

Aborimaham Nearly Shared Blows With Salman

This latest revelation from Salman has added a new layer to the story, providing insight into the underlying issues that fueled the confrontation. As the drama continues to unfold, fans and industry insiders are left wondering whether the two actors will be able to reconcile and complete the project, or if this incident marks the end of their professional collaboration. The tension between Aborimaham and Salman has undoubtedly cast a shadow over the film’s production, leaving its future uncertain.