Renowned northern base rappers, Leo Khan & Black Eco, together as Choggu Boys has finally revealed what hinder maccasio from passing through their recent concert dubbed “the people concert” at Accra Bukum Boxing Arena on the 22nd of April, 2023.
The Veteran rappers attention was call upon by fans on social media interrogating why Maccasio did not appear at the program despite so many expectations been raised on his performance and his presents.
Analysing responding to the issue, Choggu Boys narrated via their handle that,
“We will like to use this medium to say a very big thank you to each and everyone that supported as in having a successful show last Saturday in Accra Bukom Boxing Arena.
We will like to take this opportunity to also clear the air as to some misinformation going on in town and on social media regarding one of our supporting arts Maccasio.
Maccasio and the 69 crew stood for us as expected but couldn’t get a flight to come to the capital to perform because financiers of the event made the needed commitment to enable them come a little bit late and they could not also use the road option because they were engaged for a show the next day.
You can choose to call us cowards but truth is one and that is what we stand for.
It is very unfortunate how we seem to give out information be it individual or a journalist without cross checking the facts with those involved first.
Most of those carrying this false information might even be people that never said any positive thing on either social media or on Thier on air programs to help promote the said show, the event went very well with a lot of positives to be talked about but they won’t do that rather they are picking out a certain issue that they see to be negative to talk about.
Again we will like to make it clear that it wasn’t only Maccasio who was on the bill but did not perform, some arts that we have equally helped openly refused to support us so why keep mute on them but castigate Maccasio?
We know most of you out there are eagerly waiting to witness that beef between Choggu Boys And Maccasio but we promise you will wait till eternity.
It is a shame and a setback on our feable industry, matured minds must start to play in here.
We also will want to sincerely appologise to all those that paid to see one artiste or the other perform but was disappointed, it was due to issues beyond our control.”