Respected entertainment analyst, Nash Iddi has taken a strong stance against Fancy Gadam’s recent remarks about legendary musician Alhaji Ahmed Adam, calling them outright disrespectful. In a fiery Facebook post, Nash expressed his disappointment over Fancy’s claim that the veteran artist was jealous of his success. According to Nash, such a statement is “gross disrespect” and completely unwarranted, given Ahmed Adam’s unmatched legacy in the northern music scene.

Nash Iddi, known for his balanced and insightful takes on the entertainment industry, went further to assert that Ahmed Adam remains more popular than Fancy Gadam in the North, a fact he believes is not even up for debate. He urged Fancy Gadam to issue an apology for his words, emphasizing that respect for the legends who paved the way is crucial for the growth of the industry.

In addition to his criticism of Fancy Gadam, Nash Iddi called on radio show hosts to take more control of their interviews and prevent such heated remarks from escalating. He lamented the lack of decorum, stating, “It’s sad, Charley,” expressing his disappointment in how the conversation spiraled into disrespect. Nash’s comments have sparked further debate, with fans and industry players weighing in on whether Fancy Gadam crossed the line.