Recently, there has been some chatter about the state of the entertainment industry in the northern region. Some claim it’s going through a lull, but Mohammed Hafiz has a different perspective. Speaking on the “All Inclusive Show” on Zaa Radio, Hafiz shared his insights before diving into the main topic of the show.

Hafiz pointed out that the perceived dormancy is just a natural ebb and flow that happens in every entertainment scene. “Entertainment has its seasons and active periods,” he explained. “Claiming the industry is currently dormant is not an expert observation. Such fluctuations are always expected in showbiz.

He went on to address the recent incidents involving police stations and court cases that have captured the media’s attention. Rather than viewing these events as a negative impact on the entertainment industry, Hafiz sees them as an opportunity for reflection and growth. “I don’t believe the recent police station and court cases have had any negative effect on showbiz. Instead, they remind us in the media to revisit and refine our professional practices, ensuring we report accurately and appropriately.”

Hafiz’s brief but insightful take on the matter highlights the resilience of the showbiz industry in the northern region. It is a reminder that while the industry may experience quiet periods, these are often just the calm before the storm of new and exciting developments. Watch him speak below,

G. Face On The ”All Inclusive Show”

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the “All Inclusive Show” on Zaa Radio, where experts like Mohammed Hafiz continue to shed light on the dynamics of the entertainment world.