In a candid interview on Zaa Radio’s ‘All-Inclusive Show’ with host Is Hassan Dablee, singer Mac Jombo bared his soul, revealing the real reason behind his extended absence from the limelight. Contrary to speculation, it wasn’t a creative hiatus or personal struggle with fame, but a battle with a near-fatal heartbreak stemming from his relationship with his fiancée.

At the peak of his career a few years ago, Mac Jombo, formerly known as Mac Velly, released numerous hits that earned him honors from the Northern Ghana Entertainment Awards and the Northern Music Video Awards. The star dropped beautiful collaborations, including one with the late S.K.Y and Wiz Child.

Many fans wondered about his whereabouts over the past two years as he suddenly disappeared from social media and all his communication channels were blocked. While some speculated it was a strategy to return with a massive project, Mac Jombo shockingly revealed that he was heartbroken by the woman he loved most.

In the interview, he recounted a quarrel with his fiancée, during which she attempted to harm him with a cutlass. Despite her actions, he admitted he was still deeply in love with her and continued to pursue her, ultimately leading to his downfall.

“I almost lost my job because I lost concentration in everything I was doing then, so I had to get someone to assist me at work so that I wouldn’t get fired,” he said.

Mac Jombo acknowledges that his experience inspired his latest project, the “Dead Love” EP, with two songs dedicated to his situation. Watch the interview below.

Mac Jombo On The ‘All Inclusive Show’.