In a fiery interview with G. Face on Majority FM, Northern music sensation Fancy Gadam has unleashed a series of accusations against fellow artist Maccasio, calling him ungrateful and a scammer. Fancy Gadam expressed his disappointment over Maccasio’s recent comments about the lack of media support. Maccasio had earlier claimed that the media does nothing more than play his songs on radio and TV or interview him.

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Fancy Gadam didn’t hold back as he labeled Maccasio ungrateful to the very media that has played a significant role in his rise. He pointed out that many talented rappers in the North are being overlooked while the media focuses on Maccasio, which makes his complaint about media support unreasonable. Fancy added that it’s high time Maccasio acknowledged the efforts of the media and stopped painting them in a bad light.

Furthermore, Fancy Gadam accused Maccasio of being a scammer who thrives on fueling rivalry to take advantage of his fan base. He alleged that Maccasio’s focus is not on producing quality music or improving his craft but on using the competition to host shows every year, with the sole aim of gaining financially. According to Fancy, Maccasio often produces substandard work and relies on the rivalry narrative to sustain his relevance.

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These bold claims from Fancy Gadam are sure to spark more conversations among fans and stakeholders in the Northern music scene, further intensifying the existing rivalry between the two artists. Whether Maccasio will respond to these allegations remains to be seen, but the tension between these two leading figures in Northern music is far from cooling down.