In a recent interview with G. Face, Agbosh, the Northern region’s most celebrated comedian, shared an inspiring story behind his groundbreaking concert at the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium. Despite being at a relatively early stage in his comedy career, Agbosh took a bold step by hosting a concert at the stadium—a move that many industry insiders deemed overly ambitious. However, amidst the discouragement, one person stood by him and kept his spirits high: Manager Okasha of Suhupielli FM.

The Highlights Of Agbosh Comedy Concert.

Agbosh revealed that Okasha was the first person he confided in about his intentions to host the event. Instead of dismissing the idea, Okasha wholeheartedly encouraged him, assuring him that it was indeed possible. However, as Agbosh sought advice from others, he encountered waves of doubt and skepticism that shook his confidence. It wasn’t until he reconnected with Okasha that his morale was lifted once again. With renewed determination, Agbosh pressed on, and the concert turned out to be a monumental success.

Agbosh Speaks On G. Face Show

The “Agbosh Comedy Album Launch” marked a historic moment, making Agbosh the first comedian to host a concert at the Aliu Mahama Sports Stadium. This achievement not only solidified his status as the leading comedian in the North but also set a new precedent, paving the way for others in the entertainment industry to dream bigger and aim higher.