The Northern movie industry is in a state of crisis, with veteran actors accused of stifling the growth of emerging talent. Labzoroo, a prominent actor, producer, and director of the popular drama group ‘N-Nyɛ Yɛm’, has harshly criticized the Council of Veterans for blocking the advancement of young actors. According to Labzoroo, the council, consisting of seasoned actors, is holding back the industry by refusing to give new talents a chance to showcase their skills and innovation.

Labzoroo has expressed frustration over the veteran actors’ reluctance to embrace modern filmmaking techniques, claiming that their outdated methods and reluctance to adapt are harming the industry. The council, he argues, is using its influence to prevent young creatives from making their mark, even going as far as banning movies they deem “religiously unacceptable” simply to maintain their dominance. This resistance to change is seen as a significant barrier to progress and fresh ideas within the industry.

The current situation, according to Labzoroo, is causing stagnation and a lack of new perspectives in the Northern movie scene. He argues that the veterans’ greed and selfishness are preventing young actors from gaining the exposure and opportunities they deserve. Labzoroo’s call for a drastic change—specifically, the resignation of veteran actors—reflects the urgent need for a more inclusive and supportive environment to foster the next generation of talent and revitalize the industry. Watch him speak below,