Actor, Aborimaham has hit back at director Salman following allegations made during an appearance on the ‘All Inclusive Show’ on Zaa Radio. In a video response, Aborimaham debunked Salman’s claims that he attempted to consume alcohol on set, clarifying that he unknowingly took a minor drink that contained 5% alcohol. He expressed frustration at what he perceived as an exaggeration of the incident, accusing Salman of harboring personal animosity towards him. Aborimaham’s anger was evident as he insulted Salman, asserting that the director could never compare himself to him in terms of experience and stature in the industry.

Salman Reveals On The ‘All Inclusive Show’

In the same video, Aborimaham also took aim at Is Hassan Dablee, the host of the ‘All Inclusive Show.’ He criticized Dablee for not reaching out to him for his side of the story during the program, which he felt was an unprofessional move. Aborimaham emphasized the importance of fairness and balanced reporting, urging Dablee to be more thorough in his future interviews. His frustration with both Salman and Dablee was palpable, as he demanded that the truth be upheld and that he be given the opportunity to defend himself against what he views as baseless accusations.

Aborimaham Hits Back At Salman & Is Hassan Dablee

Aborimaham’s rebuttal adds a new layer to the ongoing controversy, highlighting the deep-seated tensions between the two industry figures. His strong words and accusations suggest that the rift between him and Salman may not be easily resolved, with Aborimaham feeling deeply wronged by the portrayal of the events. As the story unfolds, it remains to be seen whether any reconciliation is possible, or if this marks the beginning of a more public feud between these prominent figures in the Northern film industry.