Wiz Child, a talented household product from the North has saved his dangling music career with a hit single, Tahama.

Very well established as a household brand in every part of the five (5) regions of the North, Wiz Child has struggled throughout the years of 2021 to 2023 after his major concert at the Accra Bukum Boxing Arena.
Wiz Child has not been able to released or record a hit song within these years, his numerous efforts in dropping an EP and some other singles like “Samba” has all not made an impact to his name. Fans has began to worry about what exactly was swallowing the sensationals talent.

Wiz Child ~ Tahama (Visualizer)

Wiz Child has shut critics up after dropping ‘Tahama’, a single after a year of his music drought. Tahama has in these few days awaken the name of Wiz Child, and it has already in this tight competition chopped so many applauds and endorsement from great music experts and legends like Abada Black Moon.

Black Moon describes “Tahama” as a masterpiece and one of the biggest songs in recent times from the North. He said this at Zaa Radio on Saturday, June 10th. Watch him speak below.