IIn a recent episode of an entertainment discussion on Sagani TV, MC Mataaya, a well-known entertainment pundit based in Tamale, shed light on the puzzling absence of the veteran actor Umar Janda from the northern movie scene. Speaking with DJ Krouch, MC Mataaya revealed that the beloved comic actor has been blacklisted from the industry due to his advocacy for fair compensation.

Umar Janda, known for his exceptional talent and comedic prowess, has been noticeably absent from the movie industry for several years, much to the disappointment and curiosity of his fans. They have long questioned why such a gifted actor is no longer featured in recent productions.

Time With G. Unit President, Alhaji Ayana

MC Mataaya disclosed that Umar Janda’s troubles began when he initiated a campaign demanding that industry members start paying each other for their services. His stance on fair payment did not sit well with producers, leading to his gradual exclusion from the industry. As MC Mataaya explained, “Ever since he made those comments and stood by them, producers have systematically blacklisted him, diminishing his relevance in the movie industry.”

MC Mataaya stressed that until northern filmmakers and actors begin to see the industry as a commercial enterprise and compensate each other fairly for their work, attracting and retaining potential investors will remain a challenge. “Potential investors will always come in and run away because they will never get what they want,” he warned. Watch his submission below:

MC Mataaya Speaks