BlueBeatz, the self-proclaimed Most Wanted & Popular Music Producer in Northern Ghana, has weighed in on the ongoing debate sparked by legendary musician Alhaji Ahmed Adam regarding the growth of Northern music. In a recent Facebook post, BlueBeatz echoed Alhaji Ahmed Adam’s sentiments, asserting that Northern Ghanaian music is indeed lacking true representation on the national stage. According to BlueBeatz, this deficiency is a significant obstacle to the region’s growth and must be addressed urgently.

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Drawing comparisons between Kumasi and Tamale, BlueBeatz highlighted how the music scene in Kumasi has seen significant progress and national recognition, which he believes is a testament to true growth. He argued that to understand the legends’ concerns, one must have a deep understanding of the music industry. BlueBeatz pointed out that while Northern artists have made strides, they still fall short of achieving the kind of national representation that would solidify their growth. He stressed that the current state of Northern music does not align with what can truly be considered progress.

BlueBeatz called for unity among Northern musicians and stakeholders, urging them to convene and address these issues collaboratively. He emphasized that it is not just the artists but everyone involved in the industry who bears some responsibility for this lack of representation. BlueBeatz’s call to action highlights the need for a collective effort to elevate Northern music to a level where it can be recognized and celebrated on a national scale, much like the success seen in other regions of Ghana.