In a bold statement on the All Inclusive Show with Is Hassan Dablee on Zaa Radio 99.3 FM, Salman, the P.R.O of Tallywood GH, stirred up controversy by claiming that Fancy Gadam, one of the biggest names in Northern Ghanaian music, is not recognized in certain parts of North. Salman attributed this to the fact that musicians, including Fancy Gadam and Maccasio, produce more audio content than video, while actors are constantly seen on screen through their visual productions.

Actors Are Bigger Than Musicians

According to Salman, the visual advantage enjoyed by actors allows them to be more widely recognized, especially by the older generation. He argued that while many people, particularly the youth, may know a musician’s songs, they often do not know the artist behind the music. In contrast, he asserted that there is no part of Dagbon where a popular actor would go unrecognized, emphasizing that actors have a more widespread and loyal fan base than musicians in the North.

Salman further argued that musicians’ popularity is largely youth-driven, making their reach limited when compared to actors, who appeal to a broader audience that includes older generations. He confidently backed his claims by highlighting that, despite receiving less media attention, actors maintain a stronger presence in the Northern community, with their work leaving a lasting visual impact on viewers.

Salman Stated