Poopular musician, Fancy Gadam has issued a stern warning to popular blogger, Is Hassan Dablee. The musician, renowned for his hit songs and vibrant performances, expressed his displeasure over Hassan’s habit of tagging ‘mutual friends’ into matters concerning his team without prior consent.

Fancy Gadam, whose real name is Ahmed Mujahid Bello, took to social media (WhatsApp status) to comment on the issue directly. He highlighted that the blogger should kindly desist from tagging such people into his team as such actions do cause unnecessary friction and misunderstandings among his team members and their associates.

Fancy Gadam Post

Fancy Gadam’s post came a day after the blogger, Is Hassan Dablee, addressed Fancy Gadam’s one-time close friend, OSI DON CEFA, as a former member of the Gadam Nation.

OSI DON CEFA, who was once a gatekeeper to some of Fancy Gadam’s past concerts, seems to have fallen out of friendship with the star. This fallout has led to his recent ‘sabotage’ of many of the artist’s good works, which has compelled Fancy Gadam to become upset with the blogger for tagging OSI DON CEFA as a former team member.