Afa Staph, a well-known radio presenter in Tamale, recently voiced his concerns on the “All Inclusive Show” with Is Hassan Dablee on Zaa Radio, about the overuse of young actors in the Northern Movie Industry. He specifically mentioned Obasanjo, a young actor whose career he predicted would decline due to being featured in almost every movie. When Afa Staph tried to advise the drama group leaders against this overexposure, they saw him as an adversary rather than heeding his warning.

One On One With Agbosh

Afa Staph emphasized that Obasanjo’s downfall could have been prevented with better management. He pointed out that if there had been a financial aspect to using the actor, the situation might have been different. Paying for Obasanjo’s appearances would have encouraged more thoughtful and strategic use of his talent, potentially maintaining his popularity and career longevity.

Afa Staph Speaks

This discussion serves as a wake-up call for the Northern Movie Industry to implement better management practices for young talents. Afa Staph’s insights underscore the need for strategic planning and regulation to avoid burning out young actors and ensure the industry’s sustainable growth.