In a recent entertainment discussion on Sagani TV, Tamale-based blogger , Mo’ Torfek made some striking observations about the music industry in Northern Ghana. Speaking with DJ Krouch, Mo’ Torfek asserted that northern-based musicians lack both influence and authenticity in their branding and craft. This, he argued, is a significant factor deterring investors from venturing into the northern music scene.

Mo’ Torfek pointed to historical examples to support his claim. He recalled how, a few years ago, companies like Rasta Choco and others signed top-notch northern artistes as brand ambassadors. However, these contracts were not renewed. The blogger explained that this decision was driven by the artists’ inability to drive significant sales for these brands, highlighting their limited influence.

“All corporate companies need people, and they will never go away without renewing their contract with an ambassador if they are getting what they want,” Mo’ Torfek emphasized. This redirection of investment away from northern musicians to other industries in Ghana, according to him, underscores a critical issue: northern artistes may enjoy popularity, but they lack the influence necessary to retain corporate support. Watch Torfeks submission below,

Mo Torfek Speaks

The discussion on Sagani TV shed light on the broader implications of this perceived lack of influence. Without substantial backing from corporate sponsors, northern musicians face an uphill battle in scaling their careers and achieving national, if not international, success. The departure of companies like Rasta Choco, Giant Malt and others serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the importance of genuine influence and a strong, authentic brand.