Speaking on the ‘All Inclusive Show’ on Zaa Radio 99.3 FM, the celebrated singer, Tuba Zak’s revealed that organizing a concert abroad goes beyond popularity and fame.

According to him, the cost is around $80,000, an amount that could build half of Tamale. Tuba Zak’s explained that, prior to the announcement of his American show (Northern Ghana Festival), he and his team sat down with prominent figures in the USA to estimate the expenses, and the total came out to be $80,000+.

However, Tuba Zak’s assured fans that the concert will still happen, although he’s unsure of the exact date. He mentioned that with financial assistance, the concert will surely come to fruition. Additionally, he assured northerners that their diaspora communities abroad miss concerts from home and will support them when they are hosted overseas. He encouraged them not to worry, as there’s no chance of hosting unsuccessful shows. Watch video below,