In a recent Facebook post, Northern Ghanaian artist Striker De Donzy publicly accused popular radio presenter G. Face of consistently siding against him in disputes involving Fancy Gadam. De Donzy expressed his frustration, alleging that G. Face’s bias is rooted in personal benefits he receives from Fancy Gadam, urging the presenter to remain neutral in his judgments. The artist’s post quickly sparked discussions among fans, adding fuel to the ongoing rivalry between the two artists.

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G. Face, who hosts the popular ‘Trenders Ride Drive Time Show’ on Majority FM, did not take the allegations lightly. Responding on his show yesterday, September 4, 2024, the seasoned presenter warned De Donzy to be cautious in how he addresses issues involving his name. G. Face highlighted the disrespect he has endured from De Donzy, stating that the artist is fortunate he views him favorably. In a striking idiomatic expression, G. Face remarked, “He’s lucky that he has been my eye before; if he was my nose, I would have dealt with him by now.

G. Face went further to address the sacrifices he has made for De Donzy’s career, insinuating that his influence and support have been significant. He claimed that if he were to curse De Donzy today, it would have a crippling effect on the artist’s career, emphasizing the need for the artist to be mindful of his actions and words. The presenter’s stern warning served as a reminder of the power dynamics at play and the delicate relationships within the Northern Ghanaian music industry. Watch G. Face words below,

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This latest exchange between De Donzy and G. Face has captivated fans, with many wondering how the artist will respond to the presenter’s strong words. As tensions continue to rise, it remains to be seen whether this public feud will escalate or if both parties will find a way to resolve their differences privately. One thing is clear: the relationship between Striker De Donzy and G. Face is under significant strain, and its outcome could have lasting implications for De Donzy’s career.