Two of the current stars on the block, Marcel and More Mani have unleashed a fresh and a brand new song dubbed ”Bierim (Pains)”.

Pains” (Bierim) is a poignant music and a video that delves into the harsh realities faced by individuals enduring the hardships of life, with a particular focus on street hawkers and those struggling to afford basic necessities.

The visuals capture the raw essence of their daily struggles, portraying scenes of resilience and perseverance amidst adversity, whiles the lyrics resonate with empathy, shedding light on the challenges that often go unnoticed.

Through powerful imagery and a soul-stirring soundtrack, the video strives to raise awareness about societal issues, urging viewers to reflect on the profound difficulties faced by marginalized communities.

“Pains” serves as a compelling artistic expression, fostering a sense of empathy and social consciousness. The visuals was shot by the great lenses from TMP Studios, Joe Gameli. Check out the visuals below,

More Mani x Marcel ~ Bierim (Official Music Video)