Former President of the Northern Drama and Filmmakers Association (Nordrafim), Yushawu Jahanfo, has publicly commended veteran actor Aborimaham for his remarkable display of patience and respect for the industry’s constitution. Speaking on the “All Inclusive Show,” Jahanfo recalled how Aborimaham’s film was banned due to its controversial title during his presidency. Instead of defying the decision, Aborimaham chose to abide by the rules and never released the movie, demonstrating his deep commitment to upholding the constitution.

Jahanfo expressed profound admiration for Aborimaham’s actions, stating that the actor’s respect for authority and dedication to the rules have earned him immense respect. In an industry often marred by controversy and rebellion, Aborimaham’s decision to follow the established guidelines rather than seek conflict is a rare and commendable example of humility and integrity.

This public praise from the former Nordrafim president highlights Aborimaham as a true leader who values patience and respect over personal gain. His actions serve as a powerful reminder to others in the industry that true success isn’t just about pushing boundaries but also about respecting the systems and institutions that ensure fairness and order.